Hi MonUCS community! Have you missed singing with your friends just as much as we have? Then you’ll be excited to hear that our next concert season is about to start! Below here is a guide to all the important events, dates and times coming up.
When do rehearsals start?
Our first rehearsal this year will be our Returner Rehearsal, for choristers who have sung with us before to catch up with each other. That’s on Tuesday 21st February from 6:00-8:30 pm at the Religious Centre, Clayton Campus. Come along to Returner Rehearsal to sign up up for your membership, catch up with your fellow choristers and start looking at our new repertoire!
One week later we’ll be holding our Fresher Rehearsal, to welcome our new members! That’s Tuesday 28th February from 5:30-8:30 pm at the same location of the Religious Centre. We’ll have an hour of icebreakers and pizza before singing some fun songs together. Returning members are of course welcome to come along.
Otherwise, we will be starting normal rehearsals with everyone in the Religious Centre on 7 March.
What are we singing this semester?
We have a very exciting line-up of Australian-themed pieces to learn and perform! They include:
- An Australian Song Cycle, Joseph Twist (collection of 8 pieces)
- Past Life Melodies, Sarah Hopkins
- Bangaray!, Paul Stanhope
- Tides of Ocean, Matthew Orlovich
O-Week (20-23 February)
MonUCS will be at the upcoming O-Fest at Monash Clayton Campus from Monday 20 February to Thursday 23 February. Come visit us at our stall from 12-4pm to sign up for your membership, grab some freebies and have a chat! Looking forward to seeing you there!

MonUCS Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) – 14th March
We will be holding our OGM on Tuesday 14 March from 6-7pm at the start of rehearsal in the Religious Centre. If you’ve never been to one before, it includes voting for any vacant committee positions, a report from the President, and any general business.
We will be proposing a small change to our constitution, which is the addition of a fourth general representative to our committee – you can see the amended constitution here. This has received approval by C&S but requires a two-thirds majority vote at the meeting to pass – come and make your voice count!
The Returning Officer will be our secretary, Anna Tinney. Please send any questions or agenda items to secretary@monucs.org.au.
Rehearsal Camp! (17th-19th March)
We’re so thrilled to once again be running a rehearsal camp this semester, which will be held on the above dates at Golden Valleys Lodge! The camp will be a wonderful opportunity for our members, new and returning, to hang out and get to know each other whilst rehearsing for our semester one concert. Tickets for camp will be on sale soon, so save that weekend in your diaries and keep an eye out for more information!
We are so excited for everything the year has in store, so keep your eyes peeled for further updates. See you soon!